Names with Ñ

The letter “ñ” is very special, very few words contain this type of letter and practically in Spain its sound has been maintained. Italy, France and Portugal were some of the countries that used this letter, but its phoneme has been replaced by others of equal similarity.

That is why we cannot find many names that contain the letter “ñ” and much more if it has to be by its initial. Basque names, due to their sonority, are the ones that most contain this grapheme, so it has not been difficult to find all these names in this language.

Meaning of Noah or Noa

Meaning of Noah or Noa

The name that you are going to read in this article is probably one of the oldest that exists, although it is not one of the most chosen by parents. Its origin and etymology are somewhat uncertain, it is not known if it has a close relationship with Noah. Here is the meaning of Noah.

Nicole meaning

Nicole meaning

Here we have a female name that is used throughout the world. It is characterized by being written in the same way in different languages, and comes from its variant in French. Without further ado, we study the Nicole's meaning.

Meaning of Nicolás

Meaning of Nicolás

Being among the 30 most chosen names in the list of Spanish names we have Nicholas a name with a lot of strength and a lot of history and meaning to tell, go ahead and stay with us to discover the meaning of Nicolás.

Meaning of Natalia

Meaning of Natalia

There are some names that she is not used as much as before. Others who have been gaining fame and those names that have been in society for many decades. This is the case of the name we are studying on this occasion; it is one of the most common among women. Read on to know everything about him meaning of Natalia.