Meaning of Santiago

Meaning of Santiago

El Santiago name it has a long history that converges with many other names in a Hebrew root. Its origin is peculiar, as well as the personality it unleashes. Here we show you all the information about its meaning.

What does the name Santiago mean

Santiago refers to something changing. Hence the famous path that keeps you in constant motion. It also means security, occasionally arrogance, but more positive than negative.

If you combine it with sensitivity towards your partner, with a close and loving treatment, you get this name.

Its origin or etymology

The denomination has gone through different stages up to the current pronunciation, and has a common origin with a few names. Santiago means the same as Jaime, Jacobo or Yago. The etymology of all of them is Latin, which had previously been adapted from Greek, where a transcription from Hebrew was found.

Santiago comes from Tiago, which is currently one of its diminutives (another is Santi). The name was formed by the islands St. James, but actually what is known today as its diminutive, actually all the previous names come from Jacob.

How do you spell Santiago in other languages?

The name as such, Santiago, does not have direct variants in other languages, but its predecessors such as Jacob, Jacobo, Tiago or Thiago do.

What known people are there with this name?

We can find quite a few famous people who incorporate this name.

  • The great scientist who described the neuron: Santiago Ramon y Cajal.
  • A painter named Santiago Cardenas.
  • A person who was dedicated to both politics and law: Santiago Derqui.

What is Santiago's personality like?

As we have shown in the introduction, he is a confident person, who fights for what he needs with a lot of effort.

Although in limited occasions, from time to time it is difficult for him to control his emotions; This is one of the main goals in the life of Santiago if you want to achieve what you set out to do.

He likes to work according to previous standards, sometimes it is difficult for him to be creative. However, this way of operating can help you advance in your profession reaching the best jobs. The problem appears when Santiago has to work as a team, since it is difficult for him to communicate with his colleagues.

The most appropriate sectors for him are medicine and health, especially physiotherapy.

In love life, everything changes. Arrogance disappears and he who acquires the name Santiago he becomes affectionate and sensitive, both with his family and with his partner. The reason is that it is difficult for him to gain confidence, but when he does, he leaves many things aside to dedicate as much as possible to his beloved.

It is the same with his family. Santiago is usually quite attentive, especially in the distance, because as we have said it is quite changeable. He spends a part of his time with them to keep in touch.

He is quite restless until he achieves his goals, and seeks to achieve them through intuition. He likes to learn new methods.

We hope that the meaning of the name Santiago has served you. If you are undecided, you can look for others names that start with S.

? reference bibliography

The information on the meaning of all the names analyzed on this website has been prepared based on the knowledge acquired by reading and studying a reference bibliography of such prominent authors as Bertrand Russell, Antenor Nascenteso or the Spanish Elio Antonio de Nebrija.

1 comment on ยซMeaning of Santiagoยป

  1. Santiago is the middle name of my son and what is written closely matches his personality. It is gratifying to know the origin of the names.


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