Meaning of Sandra

Meaning of Sandra

Sandra is a woman's name that stands out for its strength, its dreamy spirit and for being realistic, at the same time as optimistic. If this is the name that you are going to give your daughter, then it is very important that you know her characteristics in detail. Keep reading to know the meaning of Sandra.

What is the meaning of the name Sandra?

Sandra means ยซProtective Womanยป. He is a person who wants to reach the top in his life. He demands a lot and has strong values โ€‹โ€‹that help him achieve what he sets out to do. You firmly believe that the best way to achieve your goals is to stay true to your ideals.

Sandra is defined by her characteristic personality: she is a fighter, but at the same time realistic. In his being he has the key to achieve what he sets out to do, but he is aware of his abilities, but also of his limitations. You will always have a smile on your face, which you will pass on only to your friends and relatives. His attitude is attractive, carefree and somewhat cheeky depending on what occasions.

In relation to the workplace, in the same way as Paula, is usually a woman of science. He likes new technologies, DNA analysis, the study of new drugs and being able to break with the established, to improve the quality of life of any person. You have the ability to achieve great achievements. And when he has some free time, he usually dedicates himself to social causes, such as attending soup kitchens and reception centers.

In relation to the sentimental world, although Sandra is very independent, she is also romantic and thoughtful. He will put up with a lot from his partner, unless there is an infidelity. He is looking for someone to meet, to be with throughout his life. The only requirement that he asks is that the personality be similar, that they be able to get along so that there is true love.

Sandra is also a restless woman, she doesn't like spending a lot of time at home, much less her free time. Although she is a woman that can be described as calm, she needs to go out to air with her surroundings, with her own. He likes to talk about the environment in which he lives and how to improve it. He does the impossible so that his children can grow mentally.

What is the origin or etymology of Sandra?

This proper name for a woman has Greek roots, specifically, its etymology is found in the word ฮ‘ฮปฮญฮพฮฑฮฝฮดฯฮท, which would end up deriving in "Alexander"

We can find this male variation: Sandro, Alejandro or Alessandro, and these two diminutives: Sandrita or Sandri.

Sandra's name in others

Sandra is a name that is spelled the same in any language; However, there may be significant variations in pronunciation.

Known people by the name of Sandra

There are many women who have the name Sandra, and who became popular thanks to it.

  • Sandra Bullock She is a good Hollywood actress who has made a lot of movies. Some of them are: Gravity or The Proposition.
  • Sandra lozano She is another actress.
  • Sandra Sabates She is a TV presenter

Now you know everything you need to know about him meaning of Sandra, so you can be more clear if it is the perfect name for your daughter. Here you can learn more names with letter S.

Santa sandra

What day is Santa Sandra celebrated?

If you want to know what day is Sandra's saint, then we will tell you that It is the 20th of March. It seems that in this case, and unlike other names, it is clear that it is only this day and we do not find more dedicated to other important people in the world of history. But this name comes from Alejandra, so here we will find more options.

  • Saint Alexandra of Egypt: Her saint is February 14 and she was a XNUMXth century hermit. She went to live alone to avoid temptation. Since there was a young man who wanted to marry her.
  • Saint Alexandra of Amisus: martyr who made a vow of chastity from a very young age. His saint is May 18.
  • Saint Alexandra of Rome: Empress and martyr, with her saint on April 23.

Santa Sandra, her life and a tragic death

As we say, everything comes from Alejandra and it seems that in this case, her life too. We have to look back to the fourth century when it was the emperor Diocletian who ruled. He blamed all Christians for the fall of the Roman Empire. So Alejandra was also singled out but she was not alone, but there were also other female names around her.

life, miracles and day in which saint Sandra is celbra

So they were all condemned to be thrown into the river. But not only that, but they would carry heavy stones so that they could sink quickly. This was done but Teodotus, went at night to rescue the bodies. Although the hours passed and the dawn betrayed his work, also receiving punishment for it. Because several women died, a day was mentioned in order to be able to commemorate their deathsHence, both Alejandra and Sandra are together.

Curiosity of the name Sandra-Alejandra

Although sometimes we think that it is a more or less current name and that perhaps there are not many, history always collapses all possible plans or ideas. Because for those who do not know, the Goddess Hera had a middle name, Alejandra. Zeus's wife It also bore that name, so without a doubt, it has been followed since the beginning of time. Despite the fact that she had a rather vindictive character, as well as jealous for all those romances that came from her husband, here we will see that it has little to do with Sandra's name, in that sense.

? reference bibliography

The information on the meaning of all the names analyzed on this website has been prepared based on the knowledge acquired by reading and studying a reference bibliography of such prominent authors as Bertrand Russell, Antenor Nascenteso or the Spanish Elio Antonio de Nebrija.

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