This time we want to show you the feminine name of Adrián. Adriana's name is related to love and an incredible talent for work matters. If you want to know everything about him meaning of Adriana keep reading in the information that you will find in the following lines.
What is the meaning of Adriana's name?
Adriana specifically means "Woman who comes from the Hadria family". It is known that the name derives from a very ancient family, so much so that it even derives from the "Roman Empire." It is also known to originate from Latin.
With regards to Aitana's personalityShe is a woman who at first may seem a little distant or cutting, but that is not the case at all. It takes a bit of confidence to start loosening up: the moment you get him to trust you, he will share all the information with you, his hopes and his fears. Help those who need you, but expect the same treatment in return.
In labor matters, Adriana she is a woman who works very well in almost any job. It adapts to practically any type of situation, but it is somewhat vague. If he is able to overcome, to see beyond, he will be able to get level positions and a fairly high salary that will help him to maintain the family nucleus.
At the love level, she is much more active than at the work level. You will never forget your partner, to whom you will give pampering, surprises and will have some other detail from time to time. This is, in part, because she is afraid that they might leave her. He will try to find new activities so as not to fall into the routine with his partner, he fears that the relationship may get cold.
In relation to her hobbies, Aitana likes art, reading books and doing sports to be online. He also tries to help his children develop this passion for sports, in addition to exercising their minds so that they learn to think.
What is the Origin / etymology of Adriana's name?
Aitana is a name that derives directly from Latin and that has the meaning of "Woman from the Hadria family", in relation to a family that was near the Adriatic Sea.
There is a diminutive of Adriana, Adri, which is used to show closeness.
We also find the masculine form of the name that we have already discussed: Adrian.
Adriana in other languages
Although we may think otherwise, the truth is that Adriana's name does not have many variations in other languages.
- In German and Italian it will be written as in Spanish.
- In French it is written Adrien.
- In English it is written as the masculine form Adrian.
Famous known by the name of Adriana
There are many famous women who have achieved fame and have this name:
- A popular actress, Adriana Barraza.
- There are also many actresses who have this name Adriana O. Muñoz, Adriana F. Castellanos or A. Vacarezza.
- A woman who is dedicated to politics called Adriana muñoz.
- We also have music Adriana varela.
- In the field of science we can find women like the biologist Adriana H Jacoby.
We hope that this article that deals with the meaning of Adriana You have found it as interesting to read as we have found it to write. Below, you can see more information about the names that start with A.